Chapter 14 is the one in which
Said leaves late at night in his "uniform." Excited and energized, he boats all the way to
Rauf Ilwan's.
Said's mentality is that as long as he 'punishes'
Ilish's escape from being murdered would not have been a total loss. To him, Rauf was the embodiment of absolute treachery. It was his own form of bloody protest. When Said is headed to murder Rauf, it seems like for the first time he's actually a little more careful than usual... he analyzes the journey there. He aims at the driveway as
Rauf is gettign out his car and then he is distracted when someone from the garden apparently tries to shhot him and barely misses. Instantly he calls out
Rauf's name and hastily shoots twice, maybe three times. An adrenaline rush allowed
Said to flee the scene and he jumps into a taxi. The pain he felt was nothing in comparison to the relief of safely making it out alive. He consoles himself physically (the bullet just barely grazed his leg) and mentally, by telling himself that he for sure shot
since Said Mahran never misses a target, right? Nur worries when she returns tired from work, seeing blood on his leg. She makes a very important statement to him:
"You don't know good from bad."
Which is true, his mind is so wound up on revenge he can not even think straight. And she tells him also that he'd rather destroy himself than just leave with her ♥
Chapter 15 makes Said a star. All the headlines are swarmign with news about him: Rauf Ilwan once again was stirring up controversy saying that Said was a madman and . . . . once again, Said murdered an innocent, this time it was his doorman. The chapter foreshadows that SAID will be the last "innocent" victim. He still justifies himself, or at least tries to:'Whoever kills me will be killing the millions. I am the hope and the dream... And the declaration that I'm mad must encompass the loving.'
Nur seems to be losing the ability to take it anymore. She appears to be losing trust in him. I feel for her. :-/
He kisses her, and means it.
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