Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Thief & the Dogs; CH 10

oh the irony: his hideout has a view of a cemetery? I loved how it was described. The one place where criminal & cop can"lie side by side in peace for the first and last time."
Said continues by contemplating that, the graves "remind us that death cheats the living." A rather interesting, thought-provoking idea.
He reminisces about his first meeting with Nabawiyya, and even though the teacher convinced us otherwise, his memories made me think of how beautiful young love is. She was this seemingly unattainable young woman that he chased. Page 94 is important, because he refers to himself as a lion and wonders how could she trade him for a dog like Ilish.
The backstabber, Rauf, makes Said's news a cover story, to get everyone against him.
There's an evidence of inner conflict. Said's feelings tend to conflict one another.
"No easy victory can everr make one forgeta bloody defeat"
Nur gave the best advice, "The truth is, that to live at all we've got to be afraid.

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