Sunday, October 19, 2008

This week:

In class we turned in our Essay 2 on Friday. The requirement was to write about two poems that we chose, comparing them. My first instinct was to pick one American or Shakespearean poem and a modern song to compare it to. Songs are considered poetry too.
The song I chose was easy because I decided to go with what came to me first, a Beatles song! I chose "Hey Jude," The song was initially written by Paul McCartney to comfort John Lennon's son named Julian {aka Jules} after his parents divorced. I didn't know this until I researched it for this essay. I had made my own analysis of the song before. I deciphered it as a love song. I even let my friend that attends UCF read what I had to say about the classic. This is an excerpt of my essay:
Perhaps it’s the romantic in me that sees it as a love song. It’s almost advising Jude not to be afraid of Love. Love heals and makes the world a better place. The song says:
“…to let her into your heart,
Then you can start to make it better.

Hey Jude, don’t be afraid.
You were made to go out and get her.
The minute you let her under your skin,
Then you begin to make it better.”

As soon as he begins to love again, everything around Jude improves, he just has to let her in and not push her away. When we get hurt by people of our past, sometimes we don’t realize that it effects our current relationships. We walk around with a tight hold of our hearts, afraid to feel again, paranoid of getting hurt. Jude is meant to be with this new girl, so there’s no way that things can go wrong this time around. So Jude needs to take this sad song he had before and make it better and more optimistic. He’s found her and so he shouldn’t let the pain of the past lovers make the “ world a little colder” by him playing cool with the new girl who rightfully belongs to him. He needs to open up his heart, to this warm and loving relationship that is coming. He shouldn’t blow it by holding back out of fear.

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