Friday, October 10, 2008

The Thief & the Dogs; CH 8

Chapter 8, unlike the previous one, begins with the narrator. I found it very IRONIC that of all places, Said Mahran finds the holiest of palces as his safe hiding places from the crimes he has commited. The reader gains a little more development of his character, it was the point in the book right BEFORE he finds out that he had not murdered Ilish... so when he thinks back on the shooting he is glad that he had not heard his daughter scream. In reality Sana hadn't screamed because she had not heard him there. athe protagonist also seems to admit that he is NOT fully aware of your own self. I really enjoyed the figurative language describing how Said loves the morning. For the first time ever he seems optimistic and alive. He has a very important nightmare, which may or may not be his ex-wife's fault. An imperative fact is revealed: Rauf Ilwan had beeb bominated for the post of Supreme Sheikh.

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